Dates for your Diary

Jumble Sale – 
Saturday 2 November 2pm. Join us in the church hall for our regular Jumble Sale.
Family Fireworks – 
Sunday 3 November 5.15pm outside the church. Please see below poster for full details.
Christmas Market – 
Friday 29 November 3pm to 6pm. 
Saturday 30 November 11am to 4pm

Sunday School –
 The 2024 dates are shown on the poster below. All those 4-16 are welcome. 10am in the BP Centre.

Deansbrook School are hosting a Circus event on Monday 7th October. Please book some tickets and support them if you have the opportunity. Details on the poster or speak to Terry Hunt.

Our main worship service is at 10am on Sundays, both online and in-person with social distancing.

We meet at John Keble Church, Deans Lane, Edgware, HA8 9NT

We are a Church of England church (Anglican) part of the Diocese of London.


If you would like to make a  donation to church funds please scan the code on the right or click the link below

Thank you for your support