Many children and adults are baptised at John Keble Church every year

Baptism (sometimes called christenings) is a way of publicly starting a journey of faith for your child, where you and your child’s Godparents make promises to God, on your child’s behalf, as God welcomes your child into His family. Welcoming new Christians into our community is a cause for great celebration. Every child is entitled to be baptised in their parish church.

If you already worship at the church regularly or live in the parish please ask about arranging a baptism; the majority of our baptisms happen during our 10:00am Parish Eucharist service.

We also regularly prepare adults for baptism; if you haven’t been baptised before and would like to find out more please get in touch.

There is more information about baptisms on the Church of England website:


Rev Andy Arnell

Tel: 020 8959 1312
