Welcome to Shi-MindfulMinds
Shi-MindfulMinds is a workshop provided for all children to build on their social, emotional and mental wellbeing.
Our workshop consists of different themed yoga activities, arts & crafts and interactive mindfulness stories. Using a Frobal approach we base each week on an enrich themed activity, ensuring each child is supported on becoming more expressive, creative and resilient people.
The Shi -MindfulMinds team are all level 3 childcare qualified, while upholding a wide range of additional training and qualifications to facilitate our workshops.
Shi-MindfulMinds runs every Sunday from 11am to 2pm at the John Keble Baden Powell Centre.
Come along to and join us one a themed mindfulness journey every Sunday or check out our website and contact us for more information on our one to one sessions and half term activities across Barnet.
Be resilient, Be conscious, Be mindful
Please visit our website